More Visitors, More Sales, More Often

By   Tuesday, October 14, 2014

More Visitors, More Sales, More Often

The easiest way to increase sales is to give past clients a reason to come back. Yet in my opinion, it’s also the most overlooked sales strategy.

Whether you want them to visit your website or your business premises, you need to include two essential elements into your marketing activity.

1. Create a database of existing and potential customers

A client database can consist of either email or postal addresses. If you deliver your products or services to your customers, you will have their postal address. If clients contact you via email, you’ll also have their email address. Whatever you do, the trick is to make sure you collect your customers’ information so you can contact them again.

Other ways to collect existing and potential customer information are:

  • A free give-away in exchange for contact information e.g. a discount coupon or an e-book.
  • Develop a joint venture prize with another non-competing business. Promote it at community events, expos or conventions so you can collect and share the contact details.
  • Offer something special to customers of a non-competing business that already has a database.

However you build and use your database, make sure you comply with the Privacy Act and other industry relevant legislation.

2. Create a compelling reason to purchase from you

In an environment of endless sales, it’s easy to believe you need to offer discounts to attract sales. But there are other options.

  • Consider promoting new products or services to existing customers.
  • Promote companion products or services after each purchase e.g. a nursery may promote fertiliser to customers who have recently purchased plants.
  • Think about ways you could offer sampling opportunities to new and existing clients e.g. bakeries, supermarkets and wineries often have product tastings to boost full price sales.
  • If you choose to offer a discount or implement a sale, be CLEAR about when the offer is available.
  • Ensure you do not disturb sales to your regular customers e.g. no-one likes buying a new outfit to find it on sale the next day

Like some help to boost your sales?

One Orange Cow helps businesses attract more visitors, generate more sales and increase repeat customers. We do this by using innovative programs that work online and off. We have lots of ways to help your business grow so let’s talk. Call Brendan Byrne on 0410 630 560 or email us now.